Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Emo Pondering...

Forgiveness.. is never easy..
Bitterness is easy.
Hatred is easy.
But forgiveness.. thats a tough one.

Sometimes people say things or do things, which they don't mean to..
and what they say and what they do.. can't be taken back..
Sometimes we made the same mistakes as others..
and when we realized it..
we have nothing left but regrets..

What we've done is who we are,
but what we've done is not who we will be.

Since what we've done is not who we will be,
Why do we put the burden of mistakes on ourselves?
Mistakes are meant to be made..
Anyone who said they never made a mistake in their life.. Is a liar!
If you can realize your own mistakes..
and made amendment to yourself, so you won't make the same mistake again..
You are building something there.. and it's called character.
So.. unburden yourself from mistakes from your past.
Coz when you do, your heart grows stronger.

But that doesn't mean what you've done.. is forgotten
what you've done, is out there..
and what you've done, remembers..

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